Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Cynthia L. Simmons April 11, 2012

Filed under: Author Interviews — Melissa Finnegan @ 12:33 pm
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Congratulations to Anni who won Cara Putman’s book! Thank you to everyone who commented for a chance to win.

This week we have Cynthia L. Simmons. She has written a great book I am sure many of us can relate to and also a workbook. Let’s get write to the point with Cynthia. 

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I grew up in Chattanooga, where I worked as pediatric RN. In 1978 I married Ray Simmons and moved to Atlanta. My husband and I have five children. Together we homeschooled them through high school. I taught basic reading and writing. Ray taught advanced writing and critical thinking. When we began homeschooling, few people did it. Neighbors often asked me if it was legal, but our kids did well in college. Several earned advanced degrees.

I’ve always loved the written word, and I can devour a book in a few hours. In 1979 I wrote a letter to a columnist that he published in the Atlanta Journal. Later I posed a question on growing orchids which appeared in Orchid magazine. As my kids began to leave home, I saw I had time to pursue writing. In 2004 I joined Christian Authors Guild and learned about writing for publication.  

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I’m thankful my parents knew Christ and took me to church each Sunday. At six I sat in a Sunday evening service and listened to the pastor. He gave the Gospel and told about a man who failed to believe. Later the man died and went to hell.  For the first time, I realized I was a sinner and burst into tears. Mom thought I was too young to grasp redemption, but I wasn’t. I didn’t have all the theology down, but I knew I wanted to be forgiven. That night I accepted Christ.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

My youngest child is disabled and I took special classes to address his needs. Both of us battled impossible barriers. During that time, I started historical research. On several occasions, God used stories I unearthed to encourage me. I wrote Struggles and Triumphs and the Bible study to give back some of what God gave me. I hope that women who use the study guide will gain a deeper understanding of God and be more certain of their hope in Christ.

Struggles and Triumphs blurb:

What’s wrong with our world? Shouldn’t a God who claims to be all powerful and flawless prevent suffering? How can we continue to believe when storms rage on in our lives? If you’ve ever had tough questions like these Struggles and Triumphs Study Guide is the book for you. Author Cynthia L. Simmons will guide you toward answers with her unique and enlightening approach. Her twelve-week Bible study for ladies comes from stories of real women as told in Struggles and Triumphs: Women in History Who Overcame. As you study, you’ll come to understand God’s perspective on timeless issues that impact your life. The carefully chosen Scriptures combined with interesting historical information will challenge and encourage you.

Watch the trailer.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

CAG (Christian Authors Guild) Spotlight is a podcast posted each month. It highlights authors and VIPs in the writing industry.

Clash of the Titles Podcast is a podcast for the Clash of the Titles Contest. I interview staff and contest winners quarterly.

Can you share with us a favorite book you have read?

I recommend Because of Me  by Fay Lamb.

The focus of this blog is Genesis 50:20. Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

In 2008, just before Struggles and Triumphs came into print, my husband had a grand mal seizure. We rushed him to the hospital, and the doctor diagnosed encephalitis, or an infection of the brain. My husband is a brilliant man and a gifted Bible teacher. Nothing could be more degrading than for him to be attacked at his strongest point. Our church friends worried he’d never teach again. The first few days were scary because he also had pneumonia from the seizure and doctors couldn’t control his temperature. At times I wondered if I would lose him. A neurologist predicted he would need to go to a rehab center for six months to learn to walk and talk again. He wasn’t overreacting because Ray had been sick all week. Without treatment, encephalitis kills and cripples.

The Lord protected us. He had tons of struggles, including partial seizures, sleep loss, and heightened emotions, but the dire predictions didn’t come true. Ray has some residual effects, but he functions normally. In fact, his teaching is better because his new emotions improve his delivery. Ray is in the upper 3% of people who suffer from encephalitis. Now, four years later, we have so much to praise God for.

Wow, powerful. God has certainly taught you what struggles and triumphs look like and its wonderful to know you have walked through to the other side and found God’s goodness.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

For this project:

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks  be to God , who always  leads  us in His triumph  in Christ, and manifests  through  us the sweet  aroma of the knowledge  of Him in every  place .

For ministry:

Hebrews 10:24 and let us consider how to stimulate  one  another  to love  and good deeds ,

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks  be to God , who always  leads  us in His triumph  in Christ, and manifests  through  us the sweet  aroma of the knowledge  of Him in every  place .


Where can we find you on the web?

Thank you so much for taking time to share your book with us. I have no doubt God will use what you have written to draw others closer to Him.


5 Responses to “Write to the Point with Cynthia L. Simmons”

  1. Marianne Says:

    congratulations, Anni on winning Cara’s novel! Enjoy

  2. Heidi Bender Says:

    Struggles and Triumphs sounds inspiring!

  3. Hi, Melissa… I really enjoyed your interview with Cynthia. I love to hear and read testimonies about the healing power of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Blessings!

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