Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point With Jillian Kent March 12, 2014

Filed under: Author Interviews — Melissa Finnegan @ 11:40 am
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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday we get write to the point with Jillian Kent. Read until the end. She has a giveaway for you.

Jillian Kent is the  author of  The Ravensmoore  Chronicles; three books that explore the darker side of life during  England’s  Regency period. Yet in the midst of secrets, lunatic asylums, and the  unexpected, Kent  manages to weave wonderful stories of romance, faith, and adventure around an  unusual time in history.

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and work full time as a counselor for nursing students. My husband and I are both social workers and love our jobs. We have two adult children but the nest is not empty. My oldest daughter lives with us and so does my 89 year old mother. My daughter Meghan is a full time missionary. I was born in Florida, grew up in western Pennsylvania farm country and went to college and graduate school in West Virginia. I’ve been writing for twenty four years.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I knew Jesus as a child because of the church I grew up in but came to question many things about God and the church while in college and through my twenties. I surrendered my life to Christ in 1984 after dealing with the death of my brother.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

Book three in my Ravensmoore Chronicles series was published in January 2013, and titled Mystery of the Heart. This novel centers on the youngest of the Ravensmoore siblings, Mercy who wants to be a doctor like her big brother, Devlin, but in the time of the regency that is an impossibility, or is it?  She meets Vincent St.Lyons who is returning from a secret quest for the Prince Regent. When St. Lyons discovers Mercy washed up on the shore of Northumberland it is the beginning of an adventure that will surprise both of them.

I love this book. Of course I love all my books (Secrets of the Heart and Chameleon) for different reasons. However, because this is the last in the series I have a special appreciation for it. It’s based in part on the legend of the Holy Lance, the lance that the Roman soldier, Longinus, used to pierce the side of Christ to be certain he was dead. The Bible doesn’t go into detail about this but it’s been very interesting to research and see why there is so much interest and speculation about this lance. Today, to the best of my knowledge based on extensive research, Austria, The Vatican, and Armenia believe they have pieces of the original Lance of Longinus or The Spear of Destiny as it is also known. HitlerMysteryOfTheHeart1 was obsessed with the lance and there are thoughts that it resides in Antarctica.

I want my readers to take away after the last page to be: 1) That was a great read! 2) God makes a way, and 3) Never give up hope.

I hope to write some e-shorts for this series and possibly more books when and if I get permission from my publisher.

I love the covers of your books in this series, they are beautiful.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I created Jill’s Quill where I blog when I feel like it now and when I have something to say. I switched from Blogger to WordPress last year with the help of the awesome folks at Jones House Creative. My archives are available for those who enjoy exploring my previous blog posts. I also blog the 29th of each month at The Christian Fiction Historical Society. this was my post from January 2014. February didn’t have a 29th. J

Can you share with us a favorite book you have read?

I love so many books for different reasons. I’m not a huge fan of Amish fiction like so many (don’t throw anything!) but I have to admit that I loved, Serena Miller’s, An Uncommon Grace.

Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

The enemy has harmed my family and turned up the pressure just before Realms bought my series. I invite you to read this blog post if interested.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

That would have to be 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” That serves as both a life and ministry verse.


Where can we find you on the web?

Jill’s Quill

Twitter @JillKentAuthor

Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

I write for and also coordinate a team of writers for my column, The Well Writer, in the Christian Fiction Online Magazine.  I think it’s so important for all of us to strive to be healthy. Writing and my day job of counseling are sedentary so it takes a lot of effort to find the time to exercise. But exercise is just one aspect of health.

I would love for all of you to visit where you can see the trailer from my first book, Secrets of the Heart, and read the excerpts from each of my three novels.

Thanks for sharing with my readers, Jillian. I know they love hearing from new authors.

Readers, Jillian is giving away a copy of her book,  Mystery of the Heart. Leave a comment by March 18th at 5:00 pm to be entered.


12 Responses to “Write to the Point With Jillian Kent”

  1. Karen Spiegel Says:

    Hi. It’s me again. I love these stories about old England. Would love to win this book.

  2. Hi, Jillian (and Melissa). I’m a real fan of Regency inspirational fiction, but most books I read explore the lives of those in the upper classes. I’d be thrilled to read about the period from a new perspective–especially about a woman interested in pursuing a career in medicine during the period. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway. Blessings!

    • Jillian Kent Says:

      Hi Sybil,
      This is a really different view of Regency England but not an unrealistic one. The regency did have a darker side and being a full time counselor I like to look at society and people from different perspectives. I think you’ll like this series. I encourage to visit my book section of my website and read the first chapters to see if it’s your cup of tea. 🙂 You can find those chapters here > under expcerpts. Enjoy!

  3. Melanie Backus Says:

    Count me in on this one, it sounds great!
    Keeping my fingers crossed!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  4. Jillian Kent Says:

    Hi Melanie!
    Good Luck in the drawing. 🙂

  5. Jillian Kent Says:

    Hi Melissa,
    Thanks for inviting me to visit here. Love your blog. There are so many bloggers it’s hard to know who is doing what. You’ve done a great job with this and I hope you continue. I don’t know about you and the gang that frequents your blog but It’s hard to keep up these days.

    • I love doing this. I enjoy reviewing books and introducing new authors to my readers.

      Melissa Finnegan

      • I LOVE Jillian’s books – Regency era stories always touch my heart in some way, but hers have always made me crave her next one. . .WOULD love to receive it as a gift – but however I get it – I’ll be READING IT WITH ANTICIPATION!

        Super nice blog here! Will be back to visit!

      • Jillian Kent Says:

        I love your enthusiasm! I hope to continue this series some day with the blessing of my publisher, but for now I’ll have to wait. I’m working on a new series though that will be very interesting and also set during the regency.

  6. God bless you I love your energy for the Regency period Your interview sounded great
    Chris G

    • Jillian Kent Says:

      Thanks, Chris!
      I do love that time period. If you’ve never watched the movie titled The Madness of King George and if you’re a fan of the time period, I highly recommend it. I try to bring out a bit about the mental health issues of the time in each of my books.

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