Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Lynnette Bonner March 21, 2012

Filed under: Author Interviews — Melissa Finnegan @ 2:11 pm
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Congratulations to Brenda who won last week’s book from Delia Latham.

This week on Write to the Point we have Lynnette Bonner. Her newest book sounds like a great read and she is giving a copy away. Let’s get write to the point with Lynnette.

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I am married with four children. My husband is a pastor and we live in Washington. I was born in Malawi, Africa to missionary parents and learned to love reading at an early age. My love of reading eventually morphed into an attempt at writing. At first I only dabbled, but then one day I came across a historical tidbit that simply begged to be turned into a story, and my first full length novel, Rocky Mountain Oasis, (the first book of this series) was born. I’ve been writing ever since, with a few years in there of very sporadic writing when I was homeschooling my boys, but that makes it nearly twenty years now.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

Well, I was born into a Christian family and heard the gospel from the time I was very little. The first time I really remember giving my heart to Jesus was in the back seat of a Peugeot 404 driving up our long dusty driveway in Dedza, Malawi.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

The first book in this series, Rocky Mountain Oasis, debuted in 2009. It was just recently re-released as a 2nd edition. And its sequel, High Desert Haven, is just making its first appearance.

Here is the back cover copy from High Desert Haven:

Is Jason Jordan really who he says he is?
Everything in Nicki’s life depends on the answer.

Nicki Trent is left with a toddler and a rundown ranch when her husband dies in a mysterious riding accident. Determined to bring her ranch back from the brink, Nicki hires handsome Jason Jordan as a manager. But when her neighbor, William, presses for her hand in marriage, the bank calls in a loan she didn’t even know about, and bullets start flying, Nicki questions whether this ranch is worth all the trouble.

To make matters worse, terrible things keep happening to her neighbors. When Jason is blamed, Nicki wonders how well she knows her new hand…and her own heart.

Two yearning hearts. Powerful enemies. Surprising love.
Set in the adventure and danger of the Wild West.

You know, there is so much God can do with fiction, so many messages He can speak to people through stories. I guess my main desire would be for people who read my stories to walk away knowing that God loves them beyond a shadow of a doubt and that if they give their lives fully to Him, he will never let them down – even though it might seem like He does, in the short run.

You book sounds great, a bit of mystery and romance, you can’t go wrong with that.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I blog several times a month over at AuthorCulture ( It is a group blog and we blog all about the writing life, give writing tips, and every Friday share a little writing humor.

Can you share with us a favorite book you have read?

Oh, asking me to pick a favorite is like asking me to choose a favorite child! I’d have to say that the Zion Covenant and Zion Chronicle series by Bodie Thoene both stand out as some of my favorite stories ever. The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers is another favorite. The DMZ by Jeanette Windle is awesome as well as Maire by Linda Windsor. More recently I’ve really been enjoying several of Denise Hunter’s books. See… I told you I couldn’t just pick one. 🙂

The focus of this blog is Genesis 50:20. Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

A time where members of the church we were pastoring really didn’t want to hear the Truth of the Word, and put our family under severe stress, comes to mind. No one would be benefitted by me going into details of all the sad things that happened and were said to us during those couple of years. Honestly our marriage could have fallen apart so easily, but we came out the other side stronger and even more committed to each other and to ministering the Truth, whether people want to hear it, or not.

Unfortunately, I believe a lot of churches can relate to your story. But praise God your marriage withstood the drama. Our author last week shared about her marriage remaining strong after some hard times. Just more proof that God loves marriage.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

I graduated from a Christian high school, Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya, and our verse on our graduation announcements was Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That verse has helped me through many a time when I wondered if there really was any hope for the years to come.

Where can we find you on the web?

My website is at: On there I have listed many other places where people can friend or find me on the net.

Lynnette, thank you so much for sharing with us, it has been great getting to know you. I wish you God’s bless over your writing.  I can’t wait to get my hands on your books and begin reading.

Readers, leave a comment for your chance to win a PDF copy of  High Desert Haven. The deadline to enter is March 27 ad 5:00 pm. All entries after that will not be entered in the drawing.


48 Responses to “Write to the Point with Lynnette Bonner”

  1. lynnettebonner Says:

    Melissa, Thanks so much for having me on your blog today. It’s a beautiful morning here. The sun is just about to crest over the horizon, soft clouds are scuttling over the sky, and my daughter is chattering at me from the back seat. 🙂 Hope everyone else is having as blessed a day!

  2. Great interview, Lynnette! You definitely have a way of weaving a little mystery into each romance 🙂 Looking forward to reading High Desert Haven! Congrats on your release and I love the cover.

  3. Cindy Swanson Says:

    This was interesting. After reading about the new book I now want to make sure I read both of them. I’m not much of a historical reader but the tidbit I got from this blog is starting to change my mind (that I shouldn’t leave them out of my reading list). Thanks!

    • I go in cycles with my reading. I enjoy reading many different genres, from fiction to nonfiction. It sure makes it hard to decide what to read next!

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Cindy, thank you. I’ve found that some of the spiritual lessons I’ve learned and pondered through fiction, stick with me far longer than those I’ve learned from non-fiction. But I also think that can be a personality thing. Anyhow, if you read the books, I hope you enjoy them.

  4. Amber Harpstead Says:

    I love you so much Lynnette. I have had the wonderful pleasure of knowing you for a long time. I feel very blessed that God lead you and your family to our church so many years ago. I have learned so many things about life and God threw Marty and your self. Thank you so much! I cant wait to read your next book!!!!

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Amber, BIG Hugs! We miss you guys so much. And seeing those precious little ones growing up. But I know that the Lord is leading and guiding you. Just live full-out for Him with no regrets! Love you right back.

  5. Amy R. S. Says:

    Hi. Thanks for the giveaway. I always enjoy finding out about new authors. This book looks and sounds great. I will have to look into her other one now too.

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Amy, I don’t know if you prefer ebooks or paperbacks, but both are available on Amazon, or can be ordered through your local book store. Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  6. Sherry Kuhn Says:

    I loved Rocky Mountain Oasis and have been waiting for this story. Love the cover and I know there will be a great story tucked inside! 🙂

  7. Carrie Says:

    I did not realize your are a writer, I can’t wait to read your books. Congrats on what looks and sounds like a great book. Go Buffs.

  8. Lynnette, I LOVE the way you took a secondary character in Rocky Mountain Oasis and made Jason the focus of the second in the series, High Desert Haven. I’m looking into secondary characters automatically now. LOL

    No one was more surprised than I, when reading Lynnette’s first draft of a mystery in Idaho was so intriguing and drew me into it’s world. I am the talker in our family, hands down. -smile- Lynnette gave me a great surprise at her ability and skill with words. Lynnette writing these amazing books has been a thrill for me. I’m proud of you! You go girl!

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Ha ha ha. Bethany is my sister. 🙂 (I pay her to say nice things about my books all over the internet, LOL.) Thanks, hon! Love you!

  9. Phyllis Rundell Says:

    Love stories of this time period and “Rocky Mountain Oasis” certainly fit. Look forward to the next book — Have been watching for it for sometime!!! Thanks for wonderful reads that fit the Christian concept.

  10. Sheri Mast Says:

    WOO HOO!!! I can’t wait to read High Desert Haven!!! I LOVED Rocky Mountain Oasis, and have been looking forward to the release of book #2. Congrats, Lynnette!

  11. Marie Ferland Says:

    High Desert Haven sounds like a wonderful book! Can’t wait to read it! Congratulations!!

  12. Sybil Dyrness Says:

    Lynnette, I met you at a writer’s conference last year and really enjoyed hearing about your life and writing journey in this article. Congratulations on the new release! I hope to be at that point (published) myself sometime in the near future.

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Sybil, yes, at the critique session, correct? Keep pressing on and you will get there! Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  13. duhpaynes Says:

    I love the sound of this book and the cover is just beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  14. Ernestine Swank Says:

    I enjoyed reading ‘Oasis’ so much, I’m looking forward to High Desert Haven!

    Hoping to see you at 1860 Days this summer, so I can get an autographed copy!

    God Bless you and yours!

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Ernestine, Thanks for your kind words. I’m not sure if we will make it to Idaho this summer, or not. We haven’t talked about our summer plans, as of yet – but we generally get over there at least once a year and knowing the hilltop, you’ll hear if I’m around. 🙂 Blessings!

      • Ernestine Swank Says:

        I only make it back to ‘the hilltop’ once a year myself. I love to meet up with friends during 1860 Days, then spend a week on the river. I call it my Happy Place.

        I received an email saying I won your book! I am super excited about that! Hopefully that means it will be autographed!

        I’m sure you don’t remember me. Shelli introduced us at your ‘Oasis’ booth in Pierce, where I shared that I use to babysit for Mary and Emmett. I babysat Marty! Isn’t it a small, small world? I’m not sure why, but it makes your book just that much more special to me.

        God Bless!


  15. June Says:

    Super excited that High Desert Haven is on its way! Have been waiting since about halfway through reading Rocky Mountain Oasis when it first came out. Now I can quit bugging you about when I can read it. 🙂 You are AWESOME!!! I have really enjoyed getting to know you on Facebook. 🙂

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      June, thank you! And an author is never “bugged” by a reader wanting to know when their next book will be available! 😀 God bless.

      • June Says:

        That being said, are you working on book 3 now? Cause I already know I am going to want to read it the minute I am finished with book 2. 😉

  16. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading your books yet, but my dear friend in The Netherlands, Marian, speaks so highly of them! Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to win High Desert Haven! Love the cover!! I would feel so blessed to win. Thank you, Lynnette. BTW we are friends on FB, so you may recall me. 🙂

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Diana, Marian is such a sweetheart. I’ve never met her, but she has a wonderful heart for promoting others. Just love her! Yes, I remember seeing you on Facebook. Will look forward to future interactions there. Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  17. Susieq Says:


    I love cowboy stories and would love to win this book, High Desert Haven! It sounds so interesting that I want to go and read your first book, Rocky Mountain Oasis!


    What a neat testimony! Thanks for having your blog.


  18. Thank you ladies….wonderful information here!! And I would love to win a pdf of this book! It sounds wonderful!

  19. Janalyn Voigt Says:

    Hi Lynnette. It’s fun to learn a little more about you. We love the same verse from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    That verse has seen me through also.

    • lynnettebonner Says:

      Thanks for dropping by, Janalyn! The verse is such an encouragement, isn’t it? Blessings for your day.

  20. karenk Says:

    thanks for the chance to read this beautiful story 😉

  21. Mary Duff Says:

    Hi Lynette you are a new author for me and I would love to read your books. Please enter me in your contest. I read historical books all the time and I hope I win so I can read yours and add you to my list of authors I RESD. Thank you.

    Mary Duff
    6 Erskine St. , Apt. 101
    Presque Isle, ME

  22. […] to Ernestine who won last week’s book from Lynnette Bonner. Thank you to the many people who commented and entered the […]

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