Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Max Elliot Anderson June 26, 2013

Filed under: Author Interviews — Melissa Finnegan @ 11:57 am
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Today we get write to the point with Max Elliot Anderson. He writes middle grade fiction especailly geared toward boys and I am so excited to share his interview with you. If you have a pre-teen reader you will want to look into Max’s books.

Publicityphoto2011 aTell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I grew up hating to read, in the home of a father who published over 70 books during his lifetime. I’m trying to remedy that by writing action-adventures & mysteries I would have liked, as a boy, for young readers today. I spent two years in the army after being drafted, graduated from Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana, and have shot movies all over the world. My wife and I have been married for nearly 40 years. We have two adult children and two granddaughters. I’ve lived in Michigan, Indiana, and now in Rockford, Illinois. I began writing in late 2001 just after 9/11 caused most of my video production clients to pull back.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home. It was common, because of my father’s work in writing, magazine editing, and film production, to have a lot of well-known Christian workers, missionaries, pastors, and others come to visit. But my parents were careful to explain that God has no grandchildren. Each of us has to decide for ourselves when it comes to believing that Jesus is who He said He is. At my parent’s leading, I accepted Jesus around the age of six.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

That’s a tough question to answer because several have come out recently and more are on the way. If I had to pick a most recent title, it’d be River Rampage. This is book #3 in the Sam Cooper adventure series. Lost Island Smugglers is #1 and Captain Jack’s Treasure is #2 in the series. This Property is Condemned is in production, will be out soon, and is #4. But the central themes of my books for middle grade readers include responsibility, accountability, courage, honesty, spiritual principles, character issues, and more.

Here’s what the publisher has written about River Rampage. “Sam Cooper and his friends have the chance of a lifetime to go rafting down the mighty Colorado River. The rains have been heavy this season, making the raging river even more treacherous. The boys become separated from the main group, their rubber raft is going flat, and now they’re on their own. They have their hands full with a crusty prospector, his gold mine, a gang of outlaw bikers, and a desperate river escape on their makeshift wooden raft. Think that’s the worst that could happen? Well, it isn’t. “Sam Cooper Adventures are like good, family movies . . . as an ordinary kid finds himself in exciting and extra-ordinary adventures!” Bill Myers – Author, McGee & Me.

Covers 9 in 3 rows

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I probably post a new entry at least three times per week. I’ve introduced other middle grade authors’ books, include personal author news, discuss the importance of reading at a young age, and promote my books and articles, along with other things that would be of interest to parents and grandparents who actually make the book buying decisions for kids.

What are you reading right now?

As I said earlier, I hated to read. All the time growing up, I never read anything my father wrote. And some of his books were for kids. Then, in sort of a “bucket list” kind of way, I decided to change that. I’ve read several of his kids’ books and right now I’m reading one for adults called Fog Over Hong Kong. The book was published in 1945, by Zondervan, and I’m enjoying it very much.

Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

Yes. My Genesis 5020 was 9/11/01. At that time, most of my video production clients were industrial companies in the area where I live. The fallout of that terrible day caused many companies to close, others shut down their marketing departments, sold to other companies, or moved to other locations. My marketing and advertising clients lost their jobs and most of their departments were closed. I was faced with what to do, creatively, from that point.

I can only say that a very strong inner “voice” began asking me, “Why don’t you write The Scarecrow?” And it wouldn’t let up. This had been a screenplay that never materialized, but I clearly understood that it was to be rewritten as a book. After much struggle, I gave in and wrote it. After that, multiple stories literally cascaded through my mind. For the next three years, I wrote until thirty-five manuscripts were completed. I had no agent, no publisher, and no contracts.

At that point I said to myself, “This is ridiculous. I need to stop writing and see if I can get some of these published.” Now I have a great agent in Terry Burns at Hartline, 10 books are published, 10 more are contracted, and several others are under consideration. So, I’d say that a person who started out hating to read, finding himself in the position I’m in now, is truly a Genesis 5020 example.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

I do. 1st Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do it all to the glory of God.”COVER River Rampage 2

Where can we find you on the web?

Here are a few links:

Books for Boys Blog
Author Web Site
My Youtube Videos
Amazon Author Page
Author Video

Also Facebook, Twitter, Shoutlife, and many others.

Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

At times, we think we’ve got life all figured out. We might even find it hard to trust God, especially, like in my case, when it seems so far outside the lines of reason. But I’m an example of a person who has seen God take the impossible and make it work. He delights in helping ordinary people to do extraordinary things if they’ll simply trust Him.

I second that. I love how God uses ordinary people to do amazing things. Thanks so much for sharing with my readers and I pray God’s blessings over your writing career.

Readers, Max is giving away a copy of River Rampage to one commentator. Leave a comment for him by July 2nd at 5:00 pm to be entered.


6 Responses to “Write to the Point with Max Elliot Anderson”

  1. Karen Spiegel Says:

    I would love to win this book for my grandson, Marc. I understand where Mr. Anderson is coming from. My oldest son never read a book until high school when he had to read the Hobbit. Now he reads all the time.

  2. Jennifer Tipton Says:

    My son Joshua loves to read and it’s a challenge to find books for boys that are healthy and christian. I’m glad you started writing.

    • Hi Jennifer, I am so glad more authors are starting to write to the boy market. Our young men need this Godly influence. My son isn’t old enough yet, but when he is I will be getting these books in his hands.

  3. Karen, my wife and I became grandparents twice in the past 18 months. One of our granddaughters lives here in our city. It’s nice to know there are other grandparents who are concerned about what their grandchildren are learning and doing.

  4. Thank you Melissa. With younger children, lots of parents are reading these books to them.

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