Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Morgan L. Busse March 13, 2013

WhonPhoto_MBusee_003 MFinalDarkerToday we get write to the point with Morgan L. Busse. I hope you find her interview as interesting and heart touching as I did. Read to the end, she has a giveaway!

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I am married to a pastor and have four children (including a set of twins). That alone keeps my life pretty busy! We are originally from the Pacific Northwest, but now make our home in Kansas.

I have been writing for nine years now and published my first book last year with Marcher Lord Press. I write speculative fiction for the adult market. In other words, I write fantasy. But unlike most fantasies where there are elves or dragons or orcs, my story focuses on a woman who has the power to see inside the soul in a world similar to ours.

Sounds intriguing.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I grew up in a family that went to church, but for me it was something I did every Sunday. I knew all the Bible verses and stories and looked like a good little girl on the outside, but I was not so good on the inside. Two events changed my life: the death of my grandmother when I was 11 and the divorce of my parents.

I became a bitter, hateful girl. I knew about God and his love, but could not understand why He allowed such hurtful things to happen in my life. I wanted nothing to do with Him.

One summer when I was 12, I had to take my younger siblings to a VBS (Vacation Bible School). I sat in the back, arms folded, with a sullen look on my face. I did not want to be there. But then the man in front began to speak about Jesus and something started to change inside of me. He talked about how Jesus still loved us, no matter how bad we were, and that He died for us.

I already knew all of this, but for some reason it stuck that afternoon. It was like my heart was thawing out. When the man asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus or rededicate his or her life, I found myself heading down the aisle. I don’t remember much more, only going home that night with such joy inside of me that I thought I would explode. Months later, my mother remarked on how much I had changed: that I hardly lost my temper and was patient with my siblings. 

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

Daughter of Light is the first book in the Follower of the Word series. It is the story of a young woman named Rowen who—with a touch of her hand—can see inside theDaughter of Light Cover--Adjusted human soul. She first discovers her power at the beginning of the book and it costs her. The village is terrified of her, they accuse her of witchcraft, and banish her.

The rest of the book is Rowen’s journey in discovering who she really is, why she has this gift, and who gave it to her.

Ultimately, I want readers to come away with what it means to follow God. It is not easy, and it may cost you everything, but in doing so, you find who you really are and what life is all about.

Sounds great. It reminds me of how people often react to the Holy Spirit, it can scare some people, or may even offend them.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I blog once a week. I am passionate about authentic Christianity, the kind that is not afraid to ask questions or be real. I share about a time I lost my faith, or where is God when you are hurting. I also love books, so I do book reviews once in a while when I find something to share.

 What are you reading right now?

I usually read a non-fiction and fiction book at the same time. Currently I am going through the Starting Point material for my church (it is a curriculum for people who are new to Christianity and the church and who are exploring who God is). I am also reading an ARC for a friend that is a fairytale retelling. I love fairytale retellings and am really enjoying the book.

Our church uses the Starting Point material 🙂

Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

When my husband and I first entered ministry, we never dreamed we would go from one church to another over a span of 10 years. In our limited knowledge, we thought only pastors who had sinned or were “bad” were kicked out of their churches. Sadly, we came to realize this is not so.

We were let go from one church a couple years into ministry. It came as a complete surprise. One day my husband had a job and the next, no job. And when a pastor loses a job, he and his family lose more than an income: they lose their church support group, friends, and way of life.

My husband thought about going back to school or teaching, but he couldn’t shake the knowledge deep down that he was called to be a pastor. We talked, and I agreed. I know my husband more than anyone, and this is his life’s calling. So almost a year later, we found ourselves at another church.

And then two years later, God moved us on to another church.

Then history repeated itself. My husband came home one Saturday morning after a business meeting and handed me a letter. He had been fired with no reason given. I didn’t know what to think. For three days I walked around in a daze. How could it be possible that we had been released from two churches for no reason? What had we done wrong? Why did God let this happen? Didn’t He care about us?

This time I went into a deep depression. There is an expression about the dark night of the soul and that is exactly what I experienced. We found a church to attend while we figured out our lives. But my trust was broken now. I went to church for the sake of my children, but I wasn’t sure I could be part of a church again.

And yet, I loved people. My heart broke for those who were lost and I wanted to help God’s people in anyway I could. Through the encouragement of two dear friends and the prayers (I’m sure) of many people I didn’t know, I slowly began to heal.

My husband came up to me a couple months later crying. He said if he could do anything else with his life, he would. But he couldn’t. No matter how many times we were beat down, he couldn’t shake his call to ministry. And I knew he was right.

We first thought God was calling us to church plant, but then God closed those doors. Then we heard from a church in Kansas. To be honest, I wasn’t sure anyone would want a broken family that had been let go by two different churches. But they wanted us, and when we arrived, it felt like we had finally come home.

I would not be the person I am today if God had not crushed me and remade me. It was through this pain I learned faith, humility, forgiveness, and love. I love God’s people more than ever, and I can understand the hurts of our congregation because I have been there: through unemployment, through sickness, through depression, and through loss.

I never want to go through what I have again, but as that verse says, what others meant for evil, God meant it for good. Only He can take the ashes of our lives and shape it into something beautiful.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

My writing verse is Romans 12:15. It reminds me to rejoice when good things happen to other writers and to weep when discouraging things happen to other writers. When I open myself up to enjoy the blessings God has brought into the lives of others, I find myself filled with pure and unselfish joy. My heart is light and free of envy or jealousy.

Where can we find you on the web?

My website is . I also have a facebook page, and you can find me on twitter @MorganLBusse

Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

The only thing I want to add is a big thank you Melissa for allowing me to share my journey with your readers.

You’re very welcome Morgan, it was a pleasure having you.

Readers, Morgan is giving away a copy of her book in your choice of format, ebook or paperback. Leave a comment by March 19th at 5:00 pm to be entered.


26 Responses to “Write to the Point with Morgan L. Busse”

  1. Devra Carmical Says:

    Great article; thanks for sharing! I’ll be looking for Daughter of Light next time I’m at the bookstore!

  2. Thanks so much for this interview with Morgan. It helped me once again to learn more about her. I was not aware that she and I are neighbors. I live in Nebraska. 🙂 I read Morgan’s first book in just two days. I could not put it down. I came across her facebook page and began reading about her book, “Daughter of Light” and it kind of put in mind one with the spiritual gift of discernment. God had been teaching me a lot about this gift and when I shared at church, I got cut down for it. So in some ways, I could really relate to the book character, Rowan. Her book was great timing for the situation in my life. I am so excited about her next book, Son of Truth! I can’t wait until it comes out next month! Thanks Morgan and thank you, Melissa!

  3. Sam Graber Says:

    Awesome story. It’s truly amazing how God can use difficult times to strengthen our character and faith.

  4. Thank you everyone 🙂 It has been a long struggle to forgive and move past those hurtful moments of my life. Maybe it’s because I’m stubborn, but I know I would not be the same person today if God had not brought me through those dark times.

  5. Jo Says:

    What a testimony you shared here with your interview. I believe that we all need to go through the struggles to be the people that G-d intends us to be. This book sounds great and have added it to my wish list. Thank you for the opportunity.


  6. Tammy Says:

    Great interview! I look forward to reading this book! Going to check out your web site & fb page:) Thanks Melissa for letting us get to know Morgan!

  7. Beth C Says:

    Daughter of Life looks so good. Great interview.

  8. Janet Estridge Says:

    I would love to win your book to give to my Church Library.
    Thanks for the opportunity to do so.

  9. JoAnn Durgin Says:

    Hi Melissa and Morgan. I enjoyed this interview very much, in part because my husband has been in the ministry in some form or other (youth and worship pastor, senior pastor) for most of our now 25 years of marriage. As much as anyone can, I think other pastor’s wives can appreciate and empathize with the joys and (as you discussed in the interview) the sorrows that can come with serving the Lord in the ministry. You live your lives in the fishbowl, to be sure, and the words of the old hymn, “Because He lives (I can face tomorrow)” really hit home with me many times, as well as other hymn lyrics and verses of scripture. Hold them close in your heart, Morgan (as I’m sure you do!). I started writing as a release when my children were small. Not only did it become my passion, but it was a way to relax when things became overwhelming. I’m sure we could share a lot of common experiences. I’ll admit to not knowing much at all about spec fiction, although it’s the first love of some of my author friends. Congratulations on your books, Morgan. I’ll pray for you and many blessings to you!

  10. Karin Neary Says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart Morgan. It’s encouraging to hear stories of God’s faithfulness to work all things for our good and His glory.

  11. Hi Morgan!

    Nice name! 🙂

    I really enjoyed you sharing what God has brought you through. It’s amazing when we can look back and see that we were being molded by His hands. His good is not always ours.

    Your book sounds quite intriguing. I’d love to win a copy. (

    Keep up the great work! and God Bless!

  12. Veronica S. Says:

    This sounds fascinating! I’d love to win!

  13. patti shene Says:

    Hi Morgan. I enjoyed reading this interview and hearing about how God has worked in your life. Isn’t He amazing? I’d also love to win a copy of your book! patgonzales(at)arkvi(dot)com. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  14. […] Congratulations to Devra Carmical, who won last week’s book, Daughter of Light by Morgan L. Busse. […]

  15. […] I am so excited to have Morgan Busse back with us. She visited Genesis 5020 a while back. If you missed her interview you can check it out here. […]

  16. honeybeerosewritings Says:

    I like the cover this book. Very cool and kick-butt. Lol

  17. honeybeerosewritings Says:

    Opps. I take back the “kick-butt” part of my post. Because obviously it is like a light of truth. The gift sounds similar to the “discerning of spirits”. A must read for me.

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