Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Ruth Reid April 25, 2012

Congratulations to Alyce who won last week’s giveaway!

Today we will get write to the point with Ruth Reid. Ruth Reid is a full-time pharmacist who lives in Dade City, Florida with her husband and three children. Her fascination for the Amish began twenty-years ago when she skipped college classes to watch a barn raising. Today, she’s still captivated by the simple ways of the Amish lifestyle. Brush of Angel’s Wings is her second book in the Heaven on Earth series. When Ruth is not writing, she enjoys photography and quilting.

Read to the end because Ruth is doing a giveaway.

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I’m a wife and mother of three children and we live in Dade City, Florida. What sparked my interest in writing was when a grade school teacher suggested I enter a young author’s writing contest. From that moment, I knew I wanted to write a novel. But life has a way of sidetracking your dreams.

Years later, I ended up in pharmacy school with a growing list of all the creative writing classes I wanted to take once I graduated. I never did go back and take those classes, but the smoldering embers of one day writing a novel never died out.

Then several years later, my newborn son was diagnosed with liver failure, and a burning quest to seek God’s will redirected me to writing. During the months Danny waited on the transplant list, I searched, without success, for devotionals that spoke to me. Then I discovered how therapeutic it was to write my own—not to sell—not to work on a writing craft, only to draw closer to God. From there He gave me the desire He’d planted in my heart all those years ago. Twelve years later, my first novel was published.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I accepted Jesus as my Savior at a young age; however, my backsliding life wasn’t a reflection of someone who lived for Jesus. Until my son was born in liver failure and that very dark time in my life allowed me to see His light still shined for the path He wanted me to follow. I rededicated my life and asked him to be my Savior.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

                In Brush of an Angel’s Wings, A buggy racer, a hardworking field-hand, and a terrible cook, Rachel does not fit her Amish community’s standards for an eligible bride. Jordan spends a short time on the Amish farm as a hired hand and concludes the strict lifestyle is not for him. She’s determined to run him off while he’s trying to earn enough money to leave.  But there isn’t just human interaction at play. Nathaniel, an angel of God, sees the potential in Jordan and Rachel’s hearts from heaven’s perspective. His goal is to shepherd them toward the path of healing and love – if only they listen.  

Through the characters’ uncontrolled stubbornness and pride, I wanted to create a story that not only depicted God’s unconditional love, but how sin ignites a battle in the ethereal realm, once the enemy has gained a foothold.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I have to admit, I’ve struggled with technical issues trying to set up my blog. I’m still having problems posting and responding to comments, so I haven’t started blogging yet. I’m hoping to move that off my list of goals shortly.   

 Genesis 50:20 is the focus of this blog. Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

I believe the enemy intended to harm me when my child was born in liver failure. He certainly fed me a mountain of lies about the developmental milestones my child was missing as his disease worsened and it looked like he may not receive a transplant in time. But what the enemy wanted to steal, God intended it for good.

Nine months later, Danny was transplanted. Today, he’s thirteen and thriving. One milestone the enemy had taunted me with, Danny’s stunted growth, God has given triumph over. Research had shown that children on immunosuppressant medications had poor growth rates. According to the literature, many children never reached five foot tall. But not Danny, he’s over five-ten and still growing. He still amazes the doctors when he goes for his annual appointment.

But I believe the most significant part of this experience, is how close I drew to God as a result. I thank God for the trial because through it, I found him in the storm.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

How great are Your works, Oh LORD, how profound Your thoughts! Psalm 92:5

Where can we find you on the web?

My website:



Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

I’ve enjoyed our chat. Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet your readers!

Ruth, thank you so much for your time and letting my readers get to know you.

Readers, Ruth is giving away paperback  copy of her book Brush of an Angel’s Wings. Just leave a comment and you will be entered in the drawing. The deadline to enter is May 1 at 5:00 PM. Thanks!


26 Responses to “Write to the Point with Ruth Reid”

  1. Diana Flowers Says:

    I loved Ruth’s first book in this series and would feel so blessed to win this one. The cover is beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity to win, and for the interview!

  2. I enjoyed the interview with Ruth. The part of her little one needing a liver transplant brought tears to my eyes. I smiled as I read on knowing that God had a plan all along and now he is a thriving 13 year old. The best part of all, this trial in Ruth’s life brought her back to God. I too can relate to Ruth when I walked away from my faith for several years. I thank God that he brought me back into the fold many years ago.

    I loved Ruth’s first book, The Promise of an Angel. I would love to win a copy of her newest book, Brush of an Angel’s Wings.


  3. Linda McFarland Says:

    Yes just wanted to comment that I really enjoyed Ruth Reid’s interview…and I would love to win Ruth’s newest book….’The Brush of an Angel’s Wings’……Ruth is a wonderful writer

  4. Cheryl Baranski Says:

    Ruth loved reading about you and what challenge you have been through. Thank you for sharing with us.
    In 2004 I found out I was pregnant and my husband was involved in a really bad car accident. A few months later we learner that our unborn baby girl had a condition called Trisomy 18. After seeing several specials we made the decision to have laborious induced. My health wadsteadly decking and they said I probably wouldn’t survive. We said our goodbyes.
    It took me a good year to accept what had happened in our lives. Today I have a much closer relationship with God.

    Cheryl B

  5. Pat Moore Says:

    Ruth, back in the 60’s & early 70’s we lived in Homestead & S Miami (one blk from Homestead City Limit). Thank you for sharing on the blog. Looking forward to reading “The Brush of an Angel’s Wings”. Hope I’m not to late to enter your contst. God be with you.

  6. debbie curto Says:

    I would love to win I am always looking for new books and new authors to read

    • Ruth Reid Says:

      Hi Debbie,
      I’m very grateful to people who are willing to read books from new authors. Thanks. (P.S. if you don’t win, you can follow my author ruth reid facebook. I’ll be giving more copies away!)

  7. Terri C. Says:

    Thank you for a chance to win this book. I would love to!

  8. Lisa Nelson Says:

    I enjoyed the first book and would like to win a copy of this one!
    Thank you!!

  9. karenk Says:

    thank you for the chance to read this beautiful story 🙂

  10. Karen Gervais Says:

    Love reading Amish books. Would love a chance to win this book.

  11. What a beautiful & touching interview. I would be very honored to receive this gift of talent. Thank you so much for the chance to read this beautiful book.

  12. Pam Barry Says:

    Your book sounds very interesting. I would enjoy reading it!

  13. ladijo Says:

    Enjoyed your interview. I enjoy reading Amish books and the more I read, the more of them I want to read. Sounds like a interesting book


  14. Ruth Reid Says:

    I hope this message goes through. The last time I tried posting I was booted out. Thank you all for your kind comments. It means so much that you have taken time to stop by the interview.

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